(ayik's post)
1. Your stomach growls when you don't eat rice for a day.
2. You believe kecap ABC could turn bad cooking togourmet food.
3. You know more than 10 acronyms/abbreviations.
4. You talk during a movie.
5. You use a dipper instead of toilet paper in the bathroom.
6. You eat fried rice in the morning.
7. You prefer Versace or Moschino jeans over Gap or Levi's.
8. You don't think Jim Carrey is funny.
9. You think Onky Alexander is a hunk.
10. You think Rhoma Irama is kampungan.
11. You carry a 16 oz. jar of sambal to where ever you travel.
12. Driving a car that is cheaper than $15,000 embarrasses you.
13. You think dangdut is stupid, but listen to it anyway, because you are homesick.
14. You are willing to travel 25 miles to buy tahu and tempe.
15. You are "Dreaming of a WARM Christmas".
16. You are very good at avoiding potholes and other road hazards.
17. Your local McDonald's serves rice and sambal.
18. You think Super Mie is a staple food.
19. You have ever tried passing a Rp 50 coin as a quarter in a US vending machine or pay phone.
20. You have ever successfully bribed a police officer.
21. You have ever successfully bribed a customs officer.
22. When watching TV you regularly find that all the channels broadcast the same thing.
23. You do your shopping in Singapore.
24. Your drivers license claims you are 5 years older then you really are.
25. You have ever legally bought pirated software or VCDs.
26. You have ever been forced to memorize UUD'45.
27. You have bought something from a barefooted street peddler.
28. You know exactly how many islands Indonesia has.
29. You have ever eaten something sold off a cart on wheels.
30. You realized that money is everything before you were six.
31. The first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word "Jakarta" is "macet".
32. Someone you know has ever ridden on top of a train.
33. Your daily commute includes thinking up new ways to ride the city bus for free.
34. You don't mind people being late.
35. You think standing in line is a waste of time.
36. You have tried every Monday of your youth trying to avoid upacara bendera.
37. You have used a mosquito repellent that looks like a coil and is lit on one end.
38. You use the terms "Ni yee", "cai-lah" and "Ih,jijay" on daily basis.
39. You know what Pancasila is, what it means and know it by heart.
40. You complain that movies in America don't have sub-titles.
41. Your daily conversation may include enactments of TV commercials.
42. You have ever consulted a dukun.
43. Your whole class has ever cheated on a test, and gotten away with it.
44. You have ever spent the night before an exam looking for someone who sells the questions.
45. You like the smell of terasi.
46. You think the Thomas Cup is equal to the Super Bowl.
47. You can name a manufacturer of shuttlecocks and badminton birdies.
48. You have a 16' satellite dish hidden in your back yard.
49. You have ever ridden in a motor vehicle with three wheels.
50. You miss your maid on laundry day.
51. Your clothing has brand names printed on it that are visible from 50' away.
52. You attend weddings only until you are done eating.
53. You have attended weddings that you are not invited to.
54. You go to McDonald's to get your weekly supply of ketchup, salt, pepper and napkins.
55. You know more than one music group that stole the tune of Cranberries' "Zombie".
56. You have a can of Baygon on your kitchen table.
57. You make major decisions based on gengsi.
58. You take advantage of Walmart's 30-day money-back guarantee to "borrow" home appliances.
59. Someone in your family has extra pockets in his outfit to hide cookies from the all-you-can-eat bar.
60. You have paid more then $1,000 to get your name on your license plate.
61. You carry your hand phone always, even to a 'no service' area.
62. You think bribery as a 'tip in advance'.
63. You think of the road as a place to park.
64. You fly Garuda just to get to know the stewardesses.
65. You send your kids to US & Australia just so they can go to school.
66. You go to a park and drink 'teh botol'.
67. You travel to L.A or Sydney from Jakarta more than 3 times a year.
68. You mix soccer and boxing at the same time.
69. You consume more cloves in your cigarettes than in your food..
70. You have more credit cards than your wallet can hold.
71. You have a car with 20' wheel.
72. You work for the government to get rich quick.
73. Your friends in the US & Australia refer to you as their 'Indonesian connection.'
74. You have been to a motel that can 'hide' your car.
75. You give guests a roll of toilet paper or a box of facial tissues to wipe their hands after eating. *
(taken from keluargacemara.net)
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