(ernut's post)
One of the early sms sent by Arasy, an office friend. He delivered me sweet thing for my special day today:
is as much part of life as success,
is as much part of life as winning..
The most important thing to think about
is how can you won't fail
in the same way a second time..
Onle those who dared to fail
can ever achieve.
Selamat ulang tahun, semoga sukses selalu
dan semoga semua menjadi lebih baik"
Thank you Arasy for remembering the day, hope you can do the same as the poet saying.
Special thank also for: mbak Kus, Mbak Marpuah (Kandepag Pusat), Bp. H. Toyib for the call and sms.

Catatan foto: Tanaman daun, dibeli di Puncak, saat Orientasi SAI & SABMN bersama teman-teman, ada Arasy dalam rombongan.
2 komentar:
sebenarnya sweet thing itu saya dapat dari majalah akrab edisi 299 mei 2009 hal 28...
ini perkataan orang bijak...
apa yang baik bila diteruskan pasti lebih bermanfaat...
wallahu a'lam bisshowab...
Darimanapun asalnya, yang penting sweet thing pantas dibagi ke siapa saja, again tq. (bu dyah)
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